DarkCore-Rose Wiki

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Arua introduce
The beginning
Our universe, or as the legends and old tales will say, the Sea of Souls, was a vast vacuum of darkness. This was until the Goddess Arua created the Seven Planets. Each planet was, and is, unique and special in its character, environment and weather condition. However, all seven planets were created with Arua's love and they all shined with the brilliance of seven stars, filling up the vacuum of darkness with the marvelous shine of life.

However, Hebarn, an envious God with great powers, grew more and more envious of the goddess Arua and her creative power. He forcefully took the seventh planet, and named it after himself. From this day on, Hebarn became a constant treath for the peace on the Seven Planets and to Arua!

Here comes you..
To protect the original inhabitants of the Seven Planets and to protect the other Six Planets from falling into Hebarn's evil hands, Arua created the visitors; These visitors were scattered among the Seven Planets to bring peace and justice to the different worlds.

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